Tuesday 26 January 2021 - 10:58

Hawzah News Agency Imam al-Sadiq peace be upon him says:

خَمسُ خِصالٍ مَن لم تَكُنْ فيهِ خَصْلَةٌ مِنها فلَيس فيهِ كَثيرُ مُسْتَمْتَعٍ، أوَّلُها: الوَفاءُ، والثّانيةُ : التَّدْبيرُ، والثّالثةُ: الحَياءُ، والرّابعةُ: حُسنُ الخُلقِ، والخامِسةُ - وهِي تَجْمَعُ هذهِ الخِصالَ -: الحُرِّيّةُ.

'There are five attributes such that whoever does not even possess one of them does not have much to admire: loyalty, organisation, modesty, good temper, and the last which brings together all these attribute is freedom.'

Source: al-Khisal, p. 284, no. 33


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